Friday, July 6, 2012

San Chung Senior High School

So, our on-the-spot inspection ended up being a trip back to the National Palace Museum.  It seemed as though the school officials at San Chung did not know that we had already been, however during our first visit we really only got a chance to look at the first floor and take a quick look at the Jadeite Cabbage, so we were all actually glad to go back and get a more thorough look at the Museum.  Unfortunately, Kelly was not feeling well today so she went back to Pan Chiao early in the day.  I think we all are getting a little run down at this point.  However, we have had so much fun and everyone has been so wonderful to us that we just keep going. 

We were fortunate to have an English tour at the Museum and learned a lot more about many of the pieces in the Museum and the history behind them.  We came back to San Chung and took a tour of the school.  Every school we have visited has been amazing; however I have to say the facilities at San Chung are top-notch.  Their spacious green campus with a pool, roller rink, soccer field, and basketball courts really sets it apart from the other campuses we have seen.  In addition, their library has a college feel to it and there is student artwork showcased around the library.  We especially enjoyed the lounge in the upper part of the library. 

This week San Chung is hosting a summer camp, so we were able to sit in on the last part of a lecture from an author who wrote a book on the history of Taipei city.  We even received a copy of the book.  I guess I have to take a Chinese class now so I can read it! Although it is in Chinese, I did manage to find the four pages in English which talk about the Matchmaker in the Xia-Hai City God Temple.  Ironically, tomorrow (July 7th) is Chinese Valentine’s Day and many people go to the temple to make offerings to “Yue-Lao,” the deity of love and marriage.  I am hoping I get the chance to go tomorrow, if not, I’m definitely going at some point before I leave Taiwan.  I mean, I’ve tried everything else why not this! ;)
After the lecture, we went to the roller rink where the students enrolled in the summer camp were learning an aboriginal dance.  Jackie #2 and I attempted a few moves, but Jim really got into it!  Check out Jackie’s blog for a great video! -

Jennifer and Jocelin picked Jackie #2 and I up for a night of shopping.  Unfortunately, I didn’t have much success at the mall, but I’ve still got two more weeks!  The world is truly a small place - tonight at dinner we ran into Jerry, one of the students we worked with at the Xiufeng High School outside the restaurant. 

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