Thursday, July 5, 2012

Pan Chiao High School, Lin Family Garden & Karaoke at Prinicpal Kao's house

Jackie #2 and Kelly started off our day with amazing presentations on team word webbing and writing to learn.  These are two strategies that Jackie and Kelly both use in their classrooms to help with content knowledge, application, and student engagement.  Several of the Taiwanese teachers were concerned about using these techniques in the classroom due to their time constraints.  We seemed to have some resistance in the room, but we also found several teachers who were much more willing to implement the strategies we modeled and discussed.   There have been many great things about this trip, but in addition to all the food, culture and fun, I have learned so much from my FCPS colleagues through our time together and our presentations, along with our interactions with Taiwanese teachers and students.   Today, I gained to great ideas from Jackie and a Taiwanese teacher that I would like implement in my classes next year.  Kelly finished her presentation this morning with an activity that asked the teachers to write down similarities and differences in a Venn Diagram about education in the U.S. and Taiwan. 
Two of the most interesting comments are below……

This was a difference
This was a similarity
In the afternoon we had a question and answer session with all the teachers.  It was a great opportunity for us to learn more about our educational systems. 

We had two great translators with us during our two days – Wu and Dragon.  They were amazing!  The best news I received all day was that Dragon told me the back of my new dragon pendant (ironic right?!) has the Chinese character for good fortune and happiness.  Here’s to hoping I’m free from my bad fortunate at the Wu Han Temple in Lin-Kou.  We all feel so fortunate that we have had such wonderful translators and that so many of the people we meet can speak very good English.  We’ve all decided to take a Chinese class when we get back home so that we can learn the language better when several of the Taiwanese teachers come to visit us next February. 

Kelly, Jim, Dragon, Jackie #2 and I

After the seminar ended, Cynthia (Jim and Kelly’s host family’s daughter or as like to call her, their Taiwanese sister) and several of her friends took us to the Lin Family Mansion and Garden.  I forgot to ask if it’s any relation to Jeremy Lin, but I’m sure they would have told us if it was.  By the way, Linsanity is everywhere here.  It was a beautiful place but unfortunately it closed at 5pm so we did a quick tour.  One of Cynthia’s friends, Anne had researched about the Mansion beforehand and was an excellent tour guide. 

We then headed to downtown Pan Chiao which was packed with people.  I love this picture of people crossing the street that I took from a Starbucks overlooking the intersection.  If this is just what a suburb of Taipei looks like, I can’t wait to see Taipei itself!

Cynthia and her friends took us to a great Japanese noodle place for dinner and then we went back to Principal Kao’s house for karaoke.  (Cynthia is the principal’s daughter)  First off, the principal has a karaoke machine in his house!  Two, he was rocking out to several Taiwanese songs, before Jim and Anne stole the show with their duets.  Dave, if you are reading this, I think you need to invest in a karaoke machine for next February!  It was such a great way to end the night with the principal, his family, Cynthia’s friends, Jim, Kelly, and Jackie #2. 

Top Row: Cynthia's friends, Her Mom 
Bottom Row: Prinicpal Kao, Cynthia and her friend
Ann & Jim singing their duet!

Tomorrow we are off to an on-the-spot inspection which we have now learned (the hard way) is a field trip.  During our first week here, we didn’t know what that meant and weren’t given any guidance on attire for the day so Jackie #2 and Kelly show up ready for day of teaching in the classroom only to end up at the Yehliu Geopark in scorching heat.  Let’s just say Jackie #2 was not in the best mood at the end of the day but we all get a good laugh at it now. 

She looks like she's having fun, but trust me she wasn't!

Needless to say, we now all double and triple check our itinerary for the next day and what the attire should be. 

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