Tuesday, June 26, 2012

Wu Sheng Buddhist Monastery, Fulong Beach & Miaokou Night Market

I know I am already overusing the word amazing, but today was truly amazing and special.  Several of our hosts from Shuangxi High School took us to the Wu Sheng Buddhist Monastery on Ling Jiou Mountain this morning where we received a warm welcome and a special tour and mediation experience. 

Before embarking on our tour we learned about Master Hsin Tao who founded the temple after coming to the mountain in 1983.  He is also well-known for establishing the Museum of World Religions which Kelly and I hope to go to later in our trip.  After our introduction to Master Tao, Buddhism and the monastery we began our tour led by a monk and Wang Shu- Hua, a guide with the monastery.  At the end of our tour, Wang Shu-Hua gave us her card and told us to call her by her American name, Emily.  Many of the Taiwanese people we have met here have American names in addition to their Chinese name.  While we were in the car driving up to the mountain, Shirley, an English teacher from Shuangxi high school gave us each Taiwanese nicknames.  Mine is Xiao Jay, which means “Little Jacki.” 

The scenery was incredible up on the mountain overlooking the Pacific Ocean as you can see by the pictures.  It was so peaceful.  I can see how Master Tao spent two years in the Lotus Cave fasting (except the fasting part - that is true strength and devotion).  Our guides showed us how to pray to Buddha at the Main Hall (Lotus World) which had a white jade Buddha from Burma and an open air deck with breathtaking views of the Pacific Ocean.  After our visit to the Main Hall we were taken to Founders Hall, where we had the opportunity to meditate drink from two natural springs that flow into the Hall that have “water of compassion” and “life-long water.”  I’m pretty certain that most people and non-Buddhists such as myself do not get to enter that room let alone meditate in it.  I am honored to have had the opportunity to experience a Buddhist meditation exercise in such a sacred place.  I can’t stop talking about the experience and feel like this will be one of the most memorable moments of the trip. 

After our meditation, we had a vegetarian lunch at the monastery.  Again, the food was delicious!  I especially enjoyed the dragon fruit.  Before we left, Wang Shu-Hua gave us some tranquility bracelets.  I know I keep saying this over and over again, but everyone we have encountered has been so gracious to us.  We all feel so spoiled and honored to be here.  The Taiwanese have been so hospitable to us. 

Our hosts never have a minute unplanned for us and every experience we have had has been truly amazing.  Next, we were off to Fulong Beach.  We were able to spend about 2 ½ hours there relaxing and enjoying the Pacific Ocean.  It was nice to get off our feet and just spent some time with each other before our next planned activity.   We all feel like we have been here for two weeks since we have done so much in only 2 days.

After cleaning up from the beach, we headed out to Keelung to the Miaokou night market.  When they say pictures speak a thousand words, here’s the proof.  My words will not do this justice!  I think we ate something every 10 feet! Here's what I remember we ate:  oyster omelet, fried squid (all different kinds), noodles and cuttlefish soup, cabbage dumplings, fried spicy chicken and pao pao ice.  I know Taiwan is known for their night markets, so I am looking forward to checking out some more near Taipei City.  At about 8:30pm all the excitement of our day’s adventures (and the sun too) had gotten the best of so we headed home.  What another amazing day in Taiwan! 


  1. I love it Ms. Ball! Keep it coming! It looks like you're having an amazing time!!!

    1. Carey,
      I hope you are doing well! I miss you!

  2. You know that I am jealous. Prehaps I should have gone there myself. Well, it is too late now. So, I pray that you double your fun there--that is for both yourself and me.
