Saturday, June 30, 2012

Lin-Kou Homestay

Unfortunately, I woke up with a sore throat today.  I think all the fun and excitement has finally gotten to me.  Hopefully, I don’t end up as bad as Jim and lose my voice!  Fortunately, I was able to sleep in and get some additional rest throughout the day. 

I did attend a Rotary Club luncheon today with Mrs. Cheng who also goes by Jennifer.  The luncheon was a gathering of many Rotary Clubs from around New Taipei City.  It was a huge party!  I had no idea what I was getting into when they told me about the luncheon, but there were musical and dance performances and lots of delicious food and drink.  The gentlemen at the table kept offering up cheers to me and rest of the table.  I got the best compliment today – I was told that I use chopsticks very well!  I don’t think I’m very good, but I guess after eating every meal with them you become better.  Either it is that or the expectations for Americans using chopsticks is low!  Everyone was so gracious and welcoming to me.  I am still so amazed at the kindness of the Taiwanese people.  Whenever I am out eating, people always fill my glass and plate without even asking.   

I was still feeling off after the luncheon so I took nap.  I feel bad that I am sleeping so much but I need it and hope that rest will cure me. 

The Chengs took me to dinner at Ding Tai Fung and we had their shrimp & vegetable, pork and fish soup dumplings.  I am in love!  Benny – you were so right.  The place is amazing.  The funniest part is after being seated the server brought me a fork…just in case.  I am pleased to say I did not need to use it. The Chengs are so loving.  I thanked them profusely for dinner and they replied you are family.  Every person I have met in Taiwan is so kind and generous and it’s not an act.  I just can’t see many Americans being so welcoming. 

I am calling it an early night.  Tomorrow, Jackie #2 and I will be taking an incursion with her host family.

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