Monday, June 25, 2012

Shuangxi High School, Welcome Dinner, and Sky lanterns

Feeling a little jet-lagged today, but of course our Taiwanese showed us a great time again!  This morning started off with a tour of the local town we are staying in, Shuangxi.  Jack, one of our hosts took us to the local market, to the elementary school and some parks and later on a lighthouse before we met teachers and students at the Shuangxi junior and senior high school.  We even stopped by the local temple and were offered tea and snacks by the temple caretaker.

Shuangxi high school is preparing for exams, however we were fortunate to see several classes and speak with numerous English and history teachers.  We each shared aspects of our social studies curriculums.

 Next, we all headed to a Welcome Dinner hosted by the New Taipei City Department of Education.  Our hosts again were so gracious and the food was delicious!  After dinner, Alice, another one of our hosts, took us to release sky lanterns.  What an amazing experience!  My lantern was red for health and peace and I wished for health for my mom, a Stanley Cup for the Caps, a successful trip in Taiwan, and a Go Rebels! 

I am exhausted now and am looking forward to a good night’s sleep and hopefully no jet-lag tomorrow!

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